Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Three Ways I Can Use Blogs In My Classroom

Creating my own blog and reading the textbook has made me want to know so much about blogs. I find that using blogs can be a great reinforcement for learning in the classroom. Blogs are a great way to be a connection portal for your students and be a guide for learning.

1) Posting classroom materials such as calenders, syllables, homework assignments, examples of previous students assignments for students to use as a guide, and reminders for students that assignments are due. These posts can be a great time saver, students can go to the blog, find their answers or ask questions about assignments and we don't have to use classroom time.

2) I love the idea of having a portfolio, I find it so important for students to look back at their work to see their progress, and for me as the teacher to have an easy access to see progression is a portfolio for me as well. Having students post certain writing assignments or projects online can help the student really consider their work, knowing that their work is seen by their classmate, parents, other teachers and so many people can feel like an accomplishment. This also can get students to really put time in their assignments.

3) Creating a book club.... move over Oprah. What a great idea... really connecting thoughts about reading with your students or students from the entire school can be a great learning essential. How hard is it to get thoughts from your students in your classroom about readings (do we have all the time in the world... most likely no). But a Blog... what a time saver once again. It is so important to get students to read these days but linking them with students that have the same interest in books, having them post their own reviews, and sharing their opinions, can open up a world of ideas.

Coming from me.. I thought I would never start a blog, or the thought of using blogs in my classroom but it is an amazing change in the educational field. It can be so helpful and it has got me sold. Can't wait to learn so much more.



  1. I too love the idea of a classroom blog! I can't wait to have a classroom of my own to try it out. I think the students will really respond to it because it's something they are already familiar with. Good luck with your blog!

  2. I think the idea of a portfolio that is accessible online is great. If there is one thing I have learned in teaching its that students love seeing their work in a prominent place (like the internet) and they love to see their classmates work as well. This is a great way to keep them motivated.

  3. I love the book club idea! I love book clubs! Creating an online book club is a great way to engage and motivate students who otherwise would not enjoy reading. I also agree that portfolio assessment is the way to go...onlline portfolios are even better!

  4. Hissen,
    I'm glad to know that you are excited about blogging. Blogs really hold a lot of potential for teaching and you have mentioned several good ways to use them.
    Dr. Burgos
